Glenn & Linda's 50th Anniversary

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2 years ago

50th Anniversary Dinner “Ask Us Anything” transcription from video–July, 2021 —took place after the 50th anniversary dinner and after the showing of Ryan’s video that he made for the occasion. Transcribed from video: Glenn: We haven’t had a whole lot of questions about…that is rich.. is the time after we met before we were married and the time after we were married, but before we had kids. There are a few things that I know you know. There are stories we’ve told about, you know, hiking down into the middle of the Grand Canyon and finding out that you can’t do… Read more »

Linda Files
2 years ago

FL big House In-Person Ask Us Anything Session  Transcribed from video 1:03 What did you like to play with your sibling when you were a kid?  Linda: She had such cool ideas about what to do and I was just the total follower, you know, ’cause she’d say, “Let’s make the dolls do this,” and I’d be like, “Oh, cool”. And then, we played ‘pioneer’, what we called ‘pioneer,’ in our backyard. We had my dad‘s old army backpack and we would put the same stuff in it, and we’d go crawl in the bushes, and we could pick berries from… Read more »

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