Glenn & Linda's 50th Anniversary

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Alan Files
Alan Files
7 months ago

What book have you reread the most?

Alan Files
Alan Files
1 year ago

What do you remember your parents thinking about religion?

Elizabeth Day
Elizabeth Day
1 year ago

Mom, tell me more about nursing school. What were your favorite and least favorite classes? How much time did you spend in the classroom vs the hospital? What were your classmates like and where did you live? Did it feel like a long or a short time in school? What was taking the boards after graduation like?

Elizabeth Day
Elizabeth Day
1 year ago

Dad, where did you live when you did the Harvard program? What were the classes and your classmates like? Did you eat in the dining halls?

Alan Files
Alan Files
1 year ago

Dad, you organized the beer meetup at the camp when you met mom, when did you become a planner/organizer?

Alan Files
Alan Files
1 year ago

Who have been your mentors, and how did you find them?

Alan Files
Alan Files
1 year ago

Did you ever do cold call evangelizing?

Alan Files
Alan Files
1 year ago

Are there any physical mannerisms you remember from your parents?

Elizabeth Day
1 year ago

Dad, do you know how old you were when your parents moved from Hawaii to Mississippi? How did you travel? Plane?

1 year ago

What was the time you were most worried about money?

1 year ago

For dad, I’m interested to hear more about this AEP Bible study. How/why did you decide to start it? How did you decide what content/activity to do for it? Was it weird being the boss and having a Bible study?

1 year ago

What are you good at teaching, and what are you bad at teaching?

1 year ago

Have you ever had an opportunity to personally lead someone else to place their faith in Christ?

1 year ago

Do you have a favorite bible study you’ve been a part of?

2 years ago

What do you remember arguing or disagreeing about most often when we were kids? I feel like I rarely saw you two arguing, so I’m just curious.

2 years ago

How would your describe the difference between knowledge and wisdom? Are there areas of your life where you feel like you have more of one or the other?

Elizabeth Day
Elizabeth Day
2 years ago

What was up with the picketers outside our house in Plano?

2 years ago

What is the kindest thing you’ve ever done?

2 years ago

Dad, Tell the story about when you were audited.

Mom, Tell the story about when we were stranded in a Nebraska snowstorm.

Alan Files
Alan Files
2 years ago

Here’s an odd one. Have you noticed any changes related to clocks? Now pretty much all clocks (mainly phones) are synced with satellites, and everyone’s clocks say the same time.

Was the world different whenever everybody had to set their own clock based on the TV or other people’s clocks or maybe a sun dial or something?

2 years ago

Do you like small talk?

2 years ago

What were the most difficult parts of taking care of your parents as they grew older?

2 years ago

Are there any smells or sounds that take you back to a specific memory?

2 years ago

What are your favorite parables (from the bible or elsewhere)?

2 years ago

How have sports and sport broadcasting changed in your lifetime?

Elizabeth Day
Elizabeth Day
2 years ago

Would you go to space if given the chance?

Elizabeth Day
Elizabeth Day
2 years ago

Where did the term epizooti for sickness come from?

Elizabeth Day
Elizabeth Day
2 years ago

What are your favorite Files family recipes?

Elizabeth Day
Elizabeth Day
2 years ago

Dad, when and why was your toenail removed?

Elizabeth Day
Elizabeth Day
2 years ago

Mom, what was the story with the hole in your head at birth?

Alan Files
Alan Files
2 years ago

Please describe your remembrance of the moon landing in 1969.

Alan Files
Alan Files
2 years ago

What’s a trend in society that excites you or gives you hope?

Alan Files
Alan Files
3 years ago

How do you feel about having your names recognized on something you gave to. Like having a plaque with your name on a hospital you helped fund the building?

Alan Files
Alan Files
3 years ago

What do you think about vice? You grew up in times where drinking and gambling were more illegal in more places than they are now, does society consider more, less, or just different things as vices now?

Alan Files
Alan Files
3 years ago

What do you think about duty? Do individuals have a duty to society? Christians a duty to their religion? How have you thought about duty in your life?

Alan Files
Alan Files
3 years ago

What was it like living in the cold war period? What was it like to see it come to an end?

Linda Files
3 years ago

Ken-Mont Ken-Wood Camp in Kent, Connecticut — Summer of 1970
Where Glenn and Linda met–Linda was one of 6 camp nurses and Glenn was teaching tennis

3 years ago

Did you share a room with your sibling growing up?

3 years ago

What are skills or hobbies you picked up after your 30s (or the journey of your hobbies through the decades)?

3 years ago

Dad, when did you get into modifying golf clubs?

3 years ago

Dad, what is the best game of golf you ever played (I figure there might be more of a story around this than the double eagle, or maybe the best is that midnight surgery championship, but I figure there are other notable games)?

Alan Files
Alan Files
3 years ago

When in your life were you in the best physical shape?

Alan Files
Alan Files
3 years ago

What’s the best deal you ever got? What’s the best ROI for anything you ever had (it might be some of those toys that have been played with by kids, and grandkids).

Alan Files
Alan Files
3 years ago

What does it mean to you to be American? What did it mean to your parents and to you growing up?

Alan Files
Alan Files
3 years ago

What are your favorite book recommendations?

Alan Files
Alan Files
3 years ago

In what ways are you similar and different from your sibling?

Alan Files
Alan Files
3 years ago

Do you have a favorite candy? I think Dad always had spice drops in his office, but I don’t know if it’s because he loves them or because he doesn’t, so he won’t eat them all.

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